The JiBX/OTA download includes three separate Eclipse projects you can use for working with the supplied and generated code. Each of these projects requires appropriate User Libraries to be defined in Eclipse.

To define a User Library, open the Window/Preferences dialog and go to the Java/Build Path/User Libraries tab, then click "New...". You'll need to type in the library name (which must match that expected by the project) and click "OK", then click "Add Jars..." to actually select the .jar files to be included in the library.

JiBX OTA project

The JiBX OTA project is in the root directory of the JiBX/OTA distribution. This project uses a single User Library named "JiBX", which must include the jibx-extras.jar, jibx-run.jar, joda-time.jar, log4j.jar, xmlpull_1_1_4.jar, and xpp3.jar .jar files from the JiBX distribution (the last two necessary because they're used by the document comparison code).

Once you've set up the JiBX User Library, you can import the project into your Eclipse workspace. To do this, open the File/Import... dialog and select the General/Existing Projects into Workspace line, then click "Next". In the next dialog, click on Browse... and navigate to the root directory of your JiBX/OTA installation, then click OK. You should then see the "JiBX OTA" project in the list for imports, so just click "Finish" to complete the import.

Axis2 Implementation project

The Axis2 Implementation project is in the webservices/axis2 directory of the JiBX/OTA distribution. This project uses both JiBX and Axis2 User Libraries. The Axis2 User Library should include all the jars from your Axis2 distribution, except for the JiBX jars.

To import the project into your Eclipse workspac, again open the File/Import... dialog and select the General/Existing Projects into Workspace line, then click "Next". In the next dialog, click on Browse... and this time navigate to the webservices/axis2 directory of your JiBX/OTA installation, then click OK. You should then see the "Axis2 Implementation" project in the list for imports, and can just click "Finish" to complete the import.

JiBX-WS Implementation project

The JiBX-WS Implementation project is in the webservices/jibxws directory of the JiBX/OTA distribution. This project uses both JiBX and JiBXWS User Libraries. The JiBXWS User Library needs to include only the jibx-ws.jar from your JiBX/WS installation.

To import the project into your Eclipse workspac, again open the File/Import... dialog and select the General/Existing Projects into Workspace line, then click "Next". In the next dialog, click on Browse... and this time navigate to the webservices/jibxws directory of your JiBX/OTA installation, then click OK. You should then see the "JiBX-WS Implementation" project in the list for imports, and can just click "Finish" to complete the import.