Class Dom4JListMapper

  extended by org.jibx.extras.DocumentModelMapperBase
      extended by org.jibx.extras.Dom4JMapperBase
          extended by org.jibx.extras.Dom4JListMapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
IMarshaller, IUnmarshaller

public class Dom4JListMapper
extends Dom4JMapperBase
implements IMarshaller, IUnmarshaller

Custom content list marshaller/unmarshaller to dom4j representation. This allows you to mix data binding and document model representations for XML within the same application. You simply use this marshaller/unmarshaller with a linked object type that implements java.util.List (the actual runtime type - the declared type is ignored and can be anything). When unmarshalling it will create an instance of java.util.ArrayList if a list is not passed in and any content is present, then return all the content up to the close tag for the enclosing element in the list. When marshalling, it will simply write out any content directly.

Dennis M. Sosnoski

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.jibx.extras.DocumentModelMapperBase
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 boolean isExtension(java.lang.String mapname)
          Check if marshaller represents an extension mapping.
 boolean isPresent(IUnmarshallingContext ctx)
          Check if instance present in XML.
 void marshal(java.lang.Object obj, IMarshallingContext ictx)
          Marshal instance of handled class.
 java.lang.Object unmarshal(java.lang.Object obj, IUnmarshallingContext ictx)
          Unmarshal instance of handled class.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Dom4JListMapper()
Method Detail


public boolean isExtension(java.lang.String mapname)
Description copied from interface: IMarshaller
Check if marshaller represents an extension mapping. This is used by the framework in generated code to verify compatibility of objects being marshalled using an abstract mapping.

Specified by:
isExtension in interface IMarshaller
mapname - marshaller mapping name (generally the class name to be handled, or abstract mapping type name)
true if this mapping is an extension of the abstract mapping, false if not


public void marshal(java.lang.Object obj,
                    IMarshallingContext ictx)
             throws JiBXException
Description copied from interface: IMarshaller
Marshal instance of handled class. This method call is responsible for all handling of the marshalling of an object to XML text. It is called at the point where the start tag for the associated element should be generated.

Specified by:
marshal in interface IMarshaller
obj - object to be marshalled (may be null if property is not optional)
ictx - XML text output context
JiBXException - on error in marshalling process


public boolean isPresent(IUnmarshallingContext ctx)
                  throws JiBXException
Description copied from interface: IUnmarshaller
Check if instance present in XML. This method can be called when the unmarshalling context is positioned at or just before the start of the data corresponding to an instance of this mapping. It verifies that the expected data is present.

Specified by:
isPresent in interface IUnmarshaller
ctx - unmarshalling context
true if expected parse data found, false if not
JiBXException - on error in unmarshalling process


public java.lang.Object unmarshal(java.lang.Object obj,
                                  IUnmarshallingContext ictx)
                           throws JiBXException
Description copied from interface: IUnmarshaller
Unmarshal instance of handled class. This method call is responsible for all handling of the unmarshalling of an object from XML text, including creating the instance of the handled class if an instance is not supplied. When it is called the unmarshalling context is always positioned at or just before the start tag corresponding to the start of the class data.

Specified by:
unmarshal in interface IUnmarshaller
obj - object to be unmarshalled (may be null)
ictx - unmarshalling context
unmarshalled object (may be null)
JiBXException - on error in unmarshalling process

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