Generation Tools: Schema Generator Options

Several options can be specified on the command line to customize the behavior of the schema generator. Each option is indicated by a hyphen character ('-') followed by a character that identifies the option. Some options require additional information, and for these the next command line argument following the option supplies the necessary information. All command line options must be given before the list of bindings to be included in the generated schema. Here's the complete list of options:

Option Description
-a attributeFormDefault="true"
This just sets the attributeFormDefault attribute for the generated schemas. By default, the attributeFormDefault is not specified, meaning that all attribute definitions in the schemas are not namespace qualified. If you're not using namespaces this change has no effect.
-e elementFormDefault="false"
This turns off the elementFormDefault attribute for the generated schemas. By default, the elementFormDefault is specified as "true", meaning that all element definitions in the schemas are namespace qualified. If you're not using namespaces this change has no effect.
-p arg Class load path
The argument following the flag is a path component to be used for loading the classes referenced by the binding definitions. By default the current directory is used in the class load path, along with all entries from the classpath used in running the schema generation tool. This option may be repeated as many times as desired.
-v Verbose
This option enables printing of detailed information during the execution of the schema generation tool, useful for isolating problems with the tool.