Interface IMarshallable

public interface IMarshallable

Marshallable interface definition. This interface must be implemented by all classes which can be marshalled as independent units (not just as children of other objects). Classes implementing this interface may either marshal themselves directly (if there's only one marshalling format defined), or obtain an instance of the appropriate marshaller from the context and use that. This interface is automatically added by the binding compiler to all classes targeted by <mapping> elements in a binding.

Dennis M. Sosnoski

Method Summary
 java.lang.String JiBX_getName()
          Get the name of the class or type associated with the <mapping> definition.
 void marshal(IMarshallingContext ctx)
          Marshal self.

Method Detail


java.lang.String JiBX_getName()
Get the name of the class or type associated with the <mapping> definition.

fully-qualified class name, or type name


void marshal(IMarshallingContext ctx)
             throws JiBXException
Marshal self. This method call is responsible for all handling of the marshalling of an object to XML text.

ctx - marshalling context
JiBXException - on error in marshalling process

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