Package org.jibx.runtime

User interface to JiBX data binding framework runtime.


Interface Summary
IAbstractMarshaller Abstract base marshaller interface definition.
IAliasable Nameable extension interface definition.
IBindingFactory Binding factory interface definition.
ICharacterEscaper Escaper for character data to be written to output document.
IExtensibleWriter Extensible version of standard XML writer interface.
IListItemDeserializer Schema list component deserializer interface.
IMarshallable Marshallable interface definition.
IMarshaller Marshaller interface definition.
IMarshallingContext User interface for serializer to XML.
ITrackSource Unmarshalling source tracking interface.
IUnmarshallable Unmarshallable interface definition.
IUnmarshaller Unmarshaller interface definition.
IUnmarshallingContext User interface for deserializer from XML.
IXMLReader XML reader interface used for input of unmarshalled document.
IXMLWriter XML writer interface used for output of marshalled document.

Class Summary
BindingDirectory Abstract class with static methods to find the binding factory corresponding to a binding name.
EnumSet Named value set support class.
EnumSet.EnumItem Enumeration pair information.
IntStack Growable int stack with type specific access methods.
Java5DecimalConvert Utility class supplying a static method for java.math.BigDecimal serialization using Java 1.5 and later.
JodaConvert Utility class supplying static methods for Joda date/time conversions.
PrintInfo Utility program to print information about the runtime build and, optionally, about bindings.
QName Representation of a qualified name.
Utility Utility class supplying static methods.
WhitespaceConversions Utilities for handling whitespace options.

Exception Summary
JiBXConstrainedParseException Thrown when a "constrained" parsing exception is encountered (e.g.
JiBXException Binding exception class.
JiBXParseException JiBX parsing exception class.
RecoverableException Recoverable exception class.
UnrecoverableException Unrecoverable exception class.
ValidationException Validation exception class.

Package org.jibx.runtime Description

User interface to JiBX data binding framework runtime. These are the classes and interfaces generally intended for direct use by end users, and are considered published APIs which will remain stable.

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