Package org.jibx.runtime.impl

JiBX data binding framework runtime implementation package.


Interface Summary
BackFillReference Backfill reference item, used for filling in forward references to objects.
IByteBuffer Input or output buffer interface.
IInByteBuffer Input buffer interface.
IOutByteBuffer Output buffer interface.
ITrackSourceImpl Unmarshalling source tracking implementation interface.
IXMLReaderFactory Interface for factories used to create XML reader instances.

Class Summary
ArrayRangeIterator Iterator class for values contained in an array range.
BackFillArray Backfill reference item, used for filling in forward references as members of arrays.
BackFillHolder Holder used to collect forward references to a particular object.
BindingFactoryBase Base class for generated binding factories.
GenericXMLWriter Generic handler for marshalling text document to a writer.
GrowableIntArray Growable int array with type specific access methods.
GrowableStringArray Growable String array with type specific access methods.
InByteBuffer Byte buffer wrapping an input stream.
InputStreamWrapper Wrapper for input buffer that supports multiple character encodings.
ISO88591Escaper Handler for writing ASCII output stream.
ISO88591StreamWriter Handler for marshalling text document to a UTF-8 output stream.
MarshallingContext JiBX serializer supplying convenience methods for marshalling.
OutByteBuffer Byte buffer wrapping an output stream.
RuntimeSupport Support class providing methods used by generated code and binding factory initialization.
SparseArrayIterator Iterator class for sparse values in an array.
StAXReaderFactory Factory for creating XMLPull parser instances.
StAXReaderWrapper Wrapper for a StAX parser implementation.
StAXWriter Writer generating StAX parse event stream output.
StreamWriterBase Base handler for marshalling text document to an output stream.
StringIntHashMap Hash map using String values as keys mapped to primitive int values.
UnmarshallingContext Pull parser wrapper supplying convenience methods for access.
USASCIIEscaper Handler for writing ASCII output stream.
UTF8Escaper Handler for writing UTF output stream (for any form of UTF, despite the name).
UTF8StreamWriter Handler for marshalling text document to a UTF-8 output stream.
XMLPullReaderFactory Factory for creating XMLPull parser instances.
XMLWriterBase Base implementation of XML writer interface.
XMLWriterNamespaceBase Base implementation of XML writer interface namespace handling.

Package org.jibx.runtime.impl Description

JiBX data binding framework runtime implementation package. These classes are designed for use in generated code by the binding generator portion of the framework. They are not generally intended for direct use by end users, and are subject to more change than the published external APIs.

The only circumstance in which an end user of the framework should need to work with these classes is when writing a marshaller or unmarshaller for a class. These replace generated code for the classes involved, and hence allow full control over the operation of the framework.

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