Class UnmarshallingContext

  extended by org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class UnmarshallingContext
extends java.lang.Object
implements IUnmarshallingContext

Pull parser wrapper supplying convenience methods for access. Most of these methods are designed for use in code generated by the binding generator.

Dennis M. Sosnoski

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
UnmarshallingContext(int nmap, java.lang.String[] umcs, java.lang.String[] nss, java.lang.String[] names, java.lang.String[] idcs, IBindingFactory ifact)
Method Summary
 java.lang.String accumulateText()
          Accumulate text content.
 void addUnmarshalling(java.lang.String mapname, java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String cname)
          Define unmarshalling for element.
 boolean attributeBoolean(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get boolean value of attribute from current start tag.
 boolean attributeBoolean(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, boolean dflt)
          Get boolean value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 byte attributeByte(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get byte value of attribute from current start tag.
 byte attributeByte(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, byte dflt)
          Get byte value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 char attributeChar(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get char value of attribute from current start tag.
 char attributeChar(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, char dflt)
          Get char value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 java.util.Date attributeDate(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get java.util.Date value of attribute from current start tag.
 java.util.Date attributeDate(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, java.util.Date dflt)
          Get java.util.Date value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 double attributeDouble(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get double value of attribute from current start tag.
 double attributeDouble(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, double dflt)
          Get double value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 int attributeEnumeration(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] enums, int[] vals)
          Get enumeration attribute value from current start tag.
 int attributeEnumeration(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String[] enums, int[] vals, int dflt)
          Get optional enumeration attribute value from current start tag.
 java.lang.Object attributeExistingIDREF(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, int index)
          Get previously defined object corresponding to IDREF attribute from current start tag.
 float attributeFloat(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get float value of attribute from current start tag.
 float attributeFloat(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, float dflt)
          Get float value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 java.lang.Object attributeForwardIDREF(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, int index)
          Get object (if defined yet) corresponding to IDREF attribute from current start tag.
 int attributeInt(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get integer value of attribute from current start tag.
 int attributeInt(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, int dflt)
          Get integer value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 long attributeLong(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get long value of attribute from current start tag.
 long attributeLong(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, long dflt)
          Get long value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 short attributeShort(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get short value of attribute from current start tag.
 short attributeShort(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, short dflt)
          Get short value of optional attribute from current start tag.
 java.lang.String attributeText(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Get text value of attribute from current start tag.
 java.lang.String attributeText(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String dflt)
          Get text value of optional attribute from current start tag.
static java.lang.String buildNameString(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Build name with optional namespace.
 java.lang.String buildPositionString()
          Build current parse input position description.
 void checkAllowedAttributes(java.lang.String[] nss, java.lang.String[] names)
          Check that only allowed attributes are present on current start tag.
 boolean convertBoolean(java.lang.String text)
          Convert boolean value.
 byte convertByte(java.lang.String text)
          Convert byte value with exception wrapper.
 char convertChar(java.lang.String text)
          Convert char value with exception wrapper.
 java.util.Date convertDate(java.lang.String text)
          Convert java.util.Date value with exception wrapper.
 double convertDouble(java.lang.String text)
          Convert double value with exception wrapper.
 int convertEnum(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String[] enums, int[] vals)
          Find required text value in enumeration.
 int convertEnum(java.lang.String target, java.lang.String[] enums, int[] vals, int dflt)
          Find optional text value in enumeration.
 float convertFloat(java.lang.String text)
          Convert float value with exception wrapper.
 long convertLong(java.lang.String text)
          Convert long value with exception wrapper.
 short convertShort(java.lang.String text)
          Convert short value with exception wrapper.
 int currentEvent()
          Get the current parse event type.
 java.lang.String currentNameString()
          Build current element name, with optional namespace.
 void defineID(java.lang.String id, int index, java.lang.Object obj)
          Define object for ID.
 java.lang.Object findDefinedID(java.lang.String id, int index)
          Find previously defined object corresponding to an ID.
 java.lang.Object findID(java.lang.String id, int index)
          Find the object corresponding to an ID.
 int getActiveNamespaceCount()
          Get count of active namespaces.
 java.lang.String getActiveNamespacePrefix(int index)
          Get prefix for an active namespace.
 java.lang.String getActiveNamespaceUri(int index)
          Get URI for an active namespace.
 int getAttributeCount()
          Get number of attributes for current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getAttributeName(int index)
          Get attribute name for current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getAttributeNamespace(int index)
          Get attribute namespace for current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getAttributePrefix(int index)
          Get attribute namespace prefix for current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getAttributeValue(int index)
          Get attribute value for current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getDocumentName()
          Return the supplied document name.
 java.lang.String getElementName()
          Returns current element name.
 java.lang.String getElementNamespace()
          Returns current element namespace URI.
 IBindingFactory getFactory()
          Return the binding factory used to create this unmarshaller.
 java.lang.String getInputEncoding()
          Return the input encoding, if known.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get name associated with current parse event.
 java.lang.String getNamespace()
          Get namespace associated with current parse event.
 int getNamespaceCount()
          Get number of namespace declarations for current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix(int index)
          Get namespace prefix for namespace declaration on current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getNamespaceUri(int index)
          Get namespace URI for namespace declaration on current START_ELEMENT event.
 java.lang.String getNamespaceUri(java.lang.String prefix)
          Get namespace URI matching prefix.
 java.lang.String getPrefix()
          Get namespace prefix associated with current parse event.
 int getStackDepth()
          Get current unmarshalling object stack depth.
 java.lang.Object getStackObject(int depth)
          Get object from unmarshalling stack.
 java.lang.Object getStackTop()
          Get top object on unmarshalling stack.
 java.lang.String getText()
          Get text value for current event.
 IUnmarshaller getUnmarshaller(java.lang.String mapname)
          Find the unmarshaller for a particular class in the current context.
 IUnmarshaller getUnmarshaller(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Find the unmarshaller for a particular element name (including namespace) in the current context.
 java.lang.Object getUserContext()
          Get the user context object.
 boolean hasAnyAttribute(java.lang.String[] nss, java.lang.String[] names)
          Check if any of several attributes is present on current start tag.
 boolean hasAttribute(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Check if attribute is present on current start tag.
 boolean isAt(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Check if next tag is start of element.
 boolean isEnd()
          Check if next tag is an end tag.
 boolean isStart()
          Check if next tag is a start tag.
 int next()
          Advance to next major parse event.
 int nextToken()
          Advance to next parse event.
 byte parseContentByte(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning byte value of content.
 char parseContentChar(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning char value of content.
 int parseContentEnumeration(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, java.lang.String[] enums, int[] vals)
          Parse past end of element, returning enumeration value of content.
 int parseContentInt(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning integer value of content.
 short parseContentShort(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning short value of content.
 java.lang.String parseContentText()
          Parse required text content.
 java.lang.String parseContentText(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning optional text content.
 boolean parseElementBoolean(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse entire element, returning boolean value of content.
 boolean parseElementBoolean(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, boolean dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning boolean value of optional content.
 byte parseElementByte(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse entire element, returning byte value of content.
 byte parseElementByte(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, byte dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning byte value of optional content.
 char parseElementChar(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse entire element, returning char value of content.
 char parseElementChar(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, char dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning char value of optional content.
 java.util.Date parseElementDate(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning java.util.Date value of content.
 java.util.Date parseElementDate(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, java.util.Date dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning java.util.Date value of optional content.
 double parseElementDouble(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning double value of content.
 double parseElementDouble(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, double dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning double value of optional content.
 int parseElementEnumeration(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, java.lang.String[] enums, int[] vals, int dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning enumeration value of optional content.
 java.lang.Object parseElementExistingIDREF(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, int index)
          Parse entire element, returning previously defined object corresponding to content interpreted as IDREF.
 float parseElementFloat(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning float value of content.
 float parseElementFloat(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, float dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning float value of optional content.
 java.lang.Object parseElementForwardIDREF(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, int index)
          Parse entire element, returning object (if defined yet) corresponding to content interpreted as IDREF.
 int parseElementInt(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse entire element, returning integer value of content.
 int parseElementInt(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, int dflt)
          Parse entire optional element, returning integer value of content.
 long parseElementLong(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past end of element, returning long value of content.
 long parseElementLong(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, long dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning long value of optional content.
 short parseElementShort(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse entire element, returning short value of content.
 short parseElementShort(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, short dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning short value of optional content.
 java.lang.String parseElementText(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse entire element, returning text content.
 java.lang.String parseElementText(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag, java.lang.String dflt)
          Parse entire element, returning optional text content.
 boolean parseIfStartTag(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Parse past start of expected element.
 void parsePastCurrentEndTag(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Parse past current end of element.
 void parsePastElement(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String tag)
          Parse past element, ignoring all content.
 void parsePastEndTag(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Parse past end of element.
 void parsePastStartTag(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Parse past start of element.
 void parseToStartTag(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Parse to start of element.
 void popObject()
          Pop unmarshalled object from stack.
 void pushObject(java.lang.Object obj)
          Push created object to unmarshalling stack.
 void pushTrackedObject(java.lang.Object obj)
          Push created object to unmarshalling stack with position tracking.
 void registerBackFill(int index, BackFillReference fill)
          Register back fill item for last parsed ID value.
 void registerBackFill(java.lang.String id, int index, BackFillReference fill)
          Register back fill item for undefined ID value.
 void removeUnmarshalling(java.lang.String mapname)
          Undefine unmarshalling for element.
 void reset()
          Reset unmarshalling information.
 void setDocument( ins, java.lang.String enc)
          Set document to be parsed from stream.
 void setDocument( ins, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String enc)
          Set named document to be parsed from stream.
 void setDocument( ins, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String enc, boolean nsa)
          Set document to be parsed from stream.
 void setDocument(IXMLReader rdr)
          Set input document parse source directly.
 void setDocument( rdr)
          Set document to be parsed from reader.
 void setDocument( rdr, java.lang.String name)
          Set named document to be parsed from reader.
 void setDocument( rdr, java.lang.String name, boolean nsa)
          Set document to be parsed from reader.
 void setFromContext(UnmarshallingContext parent)
          Initializes the context to use the same parser and document as another unmarshalling context.
 void setUserContext(java.lang.Object obj)
          Set a user context object.
 void skipElement()
          Skip past current element.
 void throwEndTagNameError(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Throw exception for expected element end tag not found.
 void throwException(java.lang.String msg)
          Throw exception with position information.
 void throwException(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Exception ex)
          Throw exception with position information and nested exception.
 void throwNameException(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Throw exception including a name and position information.
 void throwStartTagException(java.lang.String msg)
          Throw exception with start tag and position information.
 void throwStartTagException(java.lang.String msg, java.lang.Exception ex)
          Throw exception with start tag, position information, and nested exception.
 void throwStartTagNameError(java.lang.String ns, java.lang.String name)
          Throw exception for expected element start tag not found.
 java.lang.String toEnd()
          Parse to end tag.
 java.lang.String toStart()
          Parse to start tag.
 int toTag()
          Parse to start or end tag.
 void trackObject(java.lang.Object obj)
          Set position tracking information for object, if supported.
 java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( ins, java.lang.String enc)
          Unmarshal document from stream to object.
 java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( ins, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String enc)
          Unmarshal named document from stream to object.
 java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( rdr)
          Unmarshal document from reader to object.
 java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( rdr, java.lang.String name)
          Unmarshal named document from reader to object.
 java.lang.Object unmarshalElement()
          Unmarshal required element.
 java.lang.Object unmarshalElement(java.lang.Class clas)
          Unmarshal required element of specified type.
 java.lang.Object unmarshalOptionalElement()
          Unmarshal optional element.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UnmarshallingContext(int nmap,
                            java.lang.String[] umcs,
                            java.lang.String[] nss,
                            java.lang.String[] names,
                            java.lang.String[] idcs,
                            IBindingFactory ifact)
Constructor. Builds the actual parser and initializes internal data structures.

nmap - number of mapping definitions included
umcs - names of unmarshaller classes for indexes with fixed unmarshallers (as opposed to mapping slots, which may be overridden; reference kept, must be constant)
nss - namespaces for elements of classes with global definitions
names - names for elements of classes with global definitions
idcs - array of class names with IDs (null if no IDs or global IDs)
ifact - binding factory creating this unmarshaller


public UnmarshallingContext()
Default constructor. This can be used for creating a context outside of the generated code for special purposes.

Method Detail


public static java.lang.String buildNameString(java.lang.String ns,
                                               java.lang.String name)
Build name with optional namespace. Just returns the appropriate name format.

ns - namespace URI of name
name - local name part of name
formatted name string


public java.lang.String currentNameString()
Build current element name, with optional namespace.

formatted name string


public java.lang.String buildPositionString()
Build current parse input position description.

text description of current parse position


public void throwStartTagNameError(java.lang.String ns,
                                   java.lang.String name)
                            throws JiBXException
Throw exception for expected element start tag not found.

ns - namespace URI of name
name - local name part of name
JiBXException - always thrown


public void throwEndTagNameError(java.lang.String ns,
                                 java.lang.String name)
                          throws JiBXException
Throw exception for expected element end tag not found.

ns - namespace URI of name
name - local name part of name
JiBXException - always thrown


public void throwNameException(java.lang.String msg,
                               java.lang.String ns,
                               java.lang.String name)
                        throws JiBXException
Throw exception including a name and position information.

msg - leading message text
ns - namespace URI of name
name - local name part of name
JiBXException - always thrown


public void setDocument( ins,
                        java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.String enc,
                        boolean nsa)
                 throws JiBXException
Set document to be parsed from stream. This call is not part of the interface definition, but is supplied to allow direct control of the namespace processing by the compiler. The option of disabling namespaces should be considered experimental and may not be supported in the future.

ins - stream supplying document data
name - document name (null if unknown)
enc - document input encoding, or null if to be determined by parser
nsa - enable namespace processing for parser flag
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public void setDocument( ins,
                        java.lang.String enc)
                 throws JiBXException
Set document to be parsed from stream.

Specified by:
setDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
ins - stream supplying document data
enc - document input encoding, or null if to be determined by parser
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public void setDocument( rdr,
                        java.lang.String name,
                        boolean nsa)
                 throws JiBXException
Set document to be parsed from reader. This call is not part of the interface definition, but is supplied to allow direct control of the namespace processing by the compiler. The option of disabling namespaces should be considered experimental and may not be supported in the future.

rdr - reader supplying document data
name - document name (null if unknown)
nsa - enable namespace processing for parser flag
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public void setDocument( rdr)
                 throws JiBXException
Set document to be parsed from reader.

Specified by:
setDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
rdr - reader supplying document data
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public void setDocument( ins,
                        java.lang.String name,
                        java.lang.String enc)
                 throws JiBXException
Set named document to be parsed from stream.

Specified by:
setDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
ins - stream supplying document data
name - document name
enc - document input encoding, or null if to be determined by parser
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public void setDocument( rdr,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws JiBXException
Set named document to be parsed from reader.

Specified by:
setDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
rdr - reader supplying document data
name - document name
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public void setDocument(IXMLReader rdr)
Set input document parse source directly.

rdr - document parse event reader


public void setFromContext(UnmarshallingContext parent)
Initializes the context to use the same parser and document as another unmarshalling context. This method is designed for use when an initial context needs to create and invoke a secondary context in the course of an unmarshalling operation.

parent - context supplying parser and document to be unmarshalled


public void reset()
Reset unmarshalling information. This releases all references to unmarshalled objects and prepares the context for potential reuse. It is automatically called when input is set.

Specified by:
reset in interface IUnmarshallingContext


public java.lang.String toStart()
                         throws JiBXException
Parse to start tag. Ignores character data seen prior to a start tag, but throws exception if an end tag or the end of the document is seen before a start tag. Leaves the parser positioned at the start tag.

element name of start tag found
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String toEnd()
                       throws JiBXException
Parse to end tag. Ignores character data seen prior to an end tag, but throws exception if a start tag or the end of the document is seen before an end tag. Leaves the parser positioned at the end tag.

element name of end tag found
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public int toTag()
          throws JiBXException
Parse to start or end tag. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parse to the next start or end tag.

parser event type for start tag or end tag
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public boolean isAt(java.lang.String ns,
                    java.lang.String name)
             throws JiBXException
Check if next tag is start of element. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parse to the next start or end tag.

Specified by:
isAt in interface IUnmarshallingContext
ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - element name expected
true if at start of element with supplied name, false if not
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public boolean hasAttribute(java.lang.String ns,
                            java.lang.String name)
                     throws JiBXException
Check if attribute is present on current start tag. Throws an exception if not currently positioned on a start tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
true if named attribute is present, false if not
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public boolean hasAnyAttribute(java.lang.String[] nss,
                               java.lang.String[] names)
                        throws JiBXException
Check if any of several attributes is present on current start tag. Throws an exception if not currently positioned on a start tag.

nss - namespace URIs for expected attributes (each may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
names - attribute names expected
true if at least one of the named attributes is present, false if not
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public void checkAllowedAttributes(java.lang.String[] nss,
                                   java.lang.String[] names)
                            throws JiBXException
Check that only allowed attributes are present on current start tag. Throws an exception if not currently positioned on a start tag, or if an attribute is present which is not in the list.

nss - namespace URIs for allowed attributes (each may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
names - alphabetical list of attribute names expected (duplicates names are ordered by namespace URI)
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public void parseToStartTag(java.lang.String ns,
                            java.lang.String name)
                     throws JiBXException
Parse to start of element. Ignores character data to next start or end tag, but throws exception if an end tag is seen before a start tag, or if the start tag seen does not match the expected name. Leaves the parse positioned at the start tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - element name expected
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public void parsePastStartTag(java.lang.String ns,
                              java.lang.String name)
                       throws JiBXException
Parse past start of element. Ignores character data to next start or end tag, but throws exception if an end tag is seen before a start tag, or if the start tag seen does not match the expected name. Leaves the parse positioned following the start tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - element name expected
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public boolean parseIfStartTag(java.lang.String ns,
                               java.lang.String name)
                        throws JiBXException
Parse past start of expected element. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parser to the next tag. If the expected start tag is found it is skipped and the parse is left positioned following the start tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - element name expected
true if start tag found, false if not
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public void parsePastCurrentEndTag(java.lang.String ns,
                                   java.lang.String name)
                            throws JiBXException
Parse past current end of element. Ignores character data to next start or end tag, but throws exception if a start tag is seen before a end tag, or if the end tag seen does not match the expected name. Leaves the parse positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - element name expected
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public void parsePastEndTag(java.lang.String ns,
                            java.lang.String name)
                     throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element. If currently at a start tag parses past that start tag, then ignores character data to next start or end tag, and throws exception if a start tag is seen before a end tag, or if the end tag seen does not match the expected name. Leaves the parse positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - element name expected
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public boolean isStart()
                throws JiBXException
Check if next tag is a start tag. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parse to the next start or end tag.

Specified by:
isStart in interface IUnmarshallingContext
true if at start of element, false if at end
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public boolean isEnd()
              throws JiBXException
Check if next tag is an end tag. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parse to the next start or end tag.

Specified by:
isEnd in interface IUnmarshallingContext
true if at end of element, false if at start
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String accumulateText()
                                throws JiBXException
Accumulate text content. This skips past comments and processing instructions, and consolidates text and entities to a single string. Any unexpanded entity references found are treated as errors.

consolidated text string (empty string if no text components)
JiBXException - on error in unmarshalling


public java.lang.String parseContentText()
                                  throws JiBXException
Parse required text content. Assumes the parse is already positioned at the text content, so just returns the text.

content text found
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String parseContentText(java.lang.String ns,
                                         java.lang.String tag)
                                  throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning optional text content. Assumes you've already parsed past the start tag of the element, so it just looks for text content followed by the end tag, and returns with the parser positioned after the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public int parseContentInt(java.lang.String ns,
                           java.lang.String tag)
                    throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning integer value of content. Assumes you've already parsed past the start tag of the element, so it just looks for text content followed by the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String parseElementText(java.lang.String ns,
                                         java.lang.String tag)
                                  throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning text content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String parseElementText(java.lang.String ns,
                                         java.lang.String tag,
                                         java.lang.String dflt)
                                  throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning optional text content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default text if the element is not found.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default text value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String attributeText(java.lang.String ns,
                                      java.lang.String name)
                               throws JiBXException
Get text value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute value is not found in the start tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute value text
JiBXException - if attribute not present


public java.lang.String attributeText(java.lang.String ns,
                                      java.lang.String name,
                                      java.lang.String dflt)
Get text value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute value text


public java.lang.Object findID(java.lang.String id,
                               int index)
                        throws JiBXException
Find the object corresponding to an ID. This method just handles the lookup and checks the object type.

id - ID text
index - expected reference type index
object corresponding to IDREF, or null if not yet defined
JiBXException - on any error


public java.lang.Object findDefinedID(java.lang.String id,
                                      int index)
                               throws JiBXException
Find previously defined object corresponding to an ID. This does the lookup and checks that the referenced object has been defined.

id - ID text
index - expected reference type index
object corresponding to IDREF
JiBXException - on any error


public java.lang.Object parseElementForwardIDREF(java.lang.String ns,
                                                 java.lang.String tag,
                                                 int index)
                                          throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning object (if defined yet) corresponding to content interpreted as IDREF. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - attribute name expected
index - expected reference type index
object corresponding to IDREF, or null if not yet defined
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.Object attributeForwardIDREF(java.lang.String ns,
                                              java.lang.String name,
                                              int index)
                                       throws JiBXException
Get object (if defined yet) corresponding to IDREF attribute from current start tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
index - expected reference type index
object corresponding to IDREF, or null if not yet defined
JiBXException - if attribute not present, or ID mapped to a different type of object than expected


public java.lang.Object parseElementExistingIDREF(java.lang.String ns,
                                                  java.lang.String tag,
                                                  int index)
                                           throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning previously defined object corresponding to content interpreted as IDREF. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - attribute name expected
index - expected reference type index
object corresponding to IDREF
JiBXException - if attribute not present, ID not defined, or mapped to a different type of object than expected


public java.lang.Object attributeExistingIDREF(java.lang.String ns,
                                               java.lang.String name,
                                               int index)
                                        throws JiBXException
Get previously defined object corresponding to IDREF attribute from current start tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
index - expected reference type index
object corresponding to IDREF
JiBXException - if attribute not present, ID not defined, or mapped to a different type of object than expected


public int attributeInt(java.lang.String ns,
                        java.lang.String name)
                 throws JiBXException
Get integer value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute integer value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid integer value


public int attributeInt(java.lang.String ns,
                        java.lang.String name,
                        int dflt)
                 throws JiBXException
Get integer value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute integer value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid integer


public int parseElementInt(java.lang.String ns,
                           java.lang.String tag)
                    throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning integer value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public int parseElementInt(java.lang.String ns,
                           java.lang.String tag,
                           int dflt)
                    throws JiBXException
Parse entire optional element, returning integer value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if the element is missing or has no content.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public int convertEnum(java.lang.String target,
                       java.lang.String[] enums,
                       int[] vals)
                throws JiBXException
Find required text value in enumeration. Looks up and returns the enumeration value corresponding to the target text.

target - text to be found in enumeration
enums - ordered array of texts included in enumeration
vals - array of values to be returned for corresponding text match positions (position returned directly if this is null)
enumeration value for target text
JiBXException - if target text not found in enumeration


public int convertEnum(java.lang.String target,
                       java.lang.String[] enums,
                       int[] vals,
                       int dflt)
                throws JiBXException
Find optional text value in enumeration. Looks up and returns the enumeration value corresponding to the target text, or the default value if the text is null.

target - text to be found in enumeration (may be null)
enums - ordered array of texts included in enumeration
vals - array of values to be returned for corresponding text match positions (position returned directly if this is null)
dflt - default value returned if target text is null
enumeration value for target text
JiBXException - if target text not found in enumeration


public int attributeEnumeration(java.lang.String ns,
                                java.lang.String name,
                                java.lang.String[] enums,
                                int[] vals)
                         throws JiBXException
Get enumeration attribute value from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute value is not found in the start tag or the text does not match a value defined in the enumeration table.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
enums - ordered array of texts included in enumeration
vals - array of values to be returned for corresponding text match positions (position returned directly if this is null)
enumeration value for target text
JiBXException - if attribute not present or value not found in enumeration list


public int attributeEnumeration(java.lang.String ns,
                                java.lang.String name,
                                java.lang.String[] enums,
                                int[] vals,
                                int dflt)
                         throws JiBXException
Get optional enumeration attribute value from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute value is present but does not match a value defined in the enumeration table.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
enums - ordered array of texts included in enumeration
vals - array of values to be returned for corresponding text match positions (position returned directly if this is null)
dflt - default value returned if attribute is not present
enumeration value for target text
JiBXException - if attribute not present or value not found in enumeration list


public int parseContentEnumeration(java.lang.String ns,
                                   java.lang.String tag,
                                   java.lang.String[] enums,
                                   int[] vals)
                            throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning enumeration value of content. Assumes you've already parsed past the start tag of the element, so it just looks for text content followed by the end tag, and returns with the parser positioned after the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
enums - ordered array of texts included in enumeration
vals - array of values to be returned for corresponding text match positions (position returned directly if this is null)
enumeration value for element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public int parseElementEnumeration(java.lang.String ns,
                                   java.lang.String tag,
                                   java.lang.String[] enums,
                                   int[] vals,
                                   int dflt)
                            throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning enumeration value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if no content is present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
enums - ordered array of texts included in enumeration
vals - array of values to be returned for corresponding text match positions (position returned directly if this is null)
dflt - default value
enumeration value for element text
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public byte convertByte(java.lang.String text)
                 throws JiBXException
Convert byte value with exception wrapper. This internal method is used by all the byte unmarshalling calls. It adds position information to any exceptions that occur.

text - text for value to be converted
converted byte value
JiBXException - if not a valid byte value


public byte attributeByte(java.lang.String ns,
                          java.lang.String name)
                   throws JiBXException
Get byte value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute byte value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid byte value


public byte attributeByte(java.lang.String ns,
                          java.lang.String name,
                          byte dflt)
                   throws JiBXException
Get byte value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute byte value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid byte


public byte parseContentByte(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning byte value of content. Assumes you've already parsed past the start tag of the element, so it just looks for text content followed by the end tag, and returns with the parser positioned after the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public byte parseElementByte(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning byte value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public byte parseElementByte(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag,
                             byte dflt)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning byte value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if no content is present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public short convertShort(java.lang.String text)
                   throws JiBXException
Convert short value with exception wrapper. This internal method is used by all the short unmarshalling calls. It adds position information to any exceptions that occur.

text - text for value to be converted
converted short value
JiBXException - if not a valid short value


public short attributeShort(java.lang.String ns,
                            java.lang.String name)
                     throws JiBXException
Get short value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute short value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid short value


public short attributeShort(java.lang.String ns,
                            java.lang.String name,
                            short dflt)
                     throws JiBXException
Get short value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute short value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid short


public short parseContentShort(java.lang.String ns,
                               java.lang.String tag)
                        throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning short value of content. Assumes you've already parsed past the start tag of the element, so it just looks for text content followed by the end tag, and returns with the parser positioned after the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public short parseElementShort(java.lang.String ns,
                               java.lang.String tag)
                        throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning short value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public short parseElementShort(java.lang.String ns,
                               java.lang.String tag,
                               short dflt)
                        throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning short value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if no content is present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public char convertChar(java.lang.String text)
                 throws JiBXException
Convert char value with exception wrapper. This internal method is used by all the char unmarshalling calls. It adds position information to any exceptions that occur.

text - text for value to be converted
converted char value
JiBXException - if not a valid char value


public char attributeChar(java.lang.String ns,
                          java.lang.String name)
                   throws JiBXException
Get char value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute char value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid char value


public char attributeChar(java.lang.String ns,
                          java.lang.String name,
                          char dflt)
                   throws JiBXException
Get char value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute char value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid char


public char parseContentChar(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning char value of content. Assumes you've already parsed past the start tag of the element, so it just looks for text content followed by the end tag, and returns with the parser positioned after the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public char parseElementChar(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning char value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public char parseElementChar(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag,
                             char dflt)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning char value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if the element is not present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public long convertLong(java.lang.String text)
                 throws JiBXException
Convert long value with exception wrapper. This internal method is used by all the long unmarshalling calls. It adds position information to any exceptions that occur.

text - text for value to be converted
converted long value
JiBXException - if not a valid long value


public long attributeLong(java.lang.String ns,
                          java.lang.String name)
                   throws JiBXException
Get long value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute long value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid long value


public long attributeLong(java.lang.String ns,
                          java.lang.String name,
                          long dflt)
                   throws JiBXException
Get long value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute long value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid long


public long parseElementLong(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning long value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public long parseElementLong(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag,
                             long dflt)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning long value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if the element is not present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public boolean convertBoolean(java.lang.String text)
                       throws JiBXException
Convert boolean value. This internal method is used by all the boolean unmarshalling calls. It accepts "true" or "1" as equivalent, and "false" or "0" as equivalent, and throws exceptions for anything else.

text - text for value to be converted
converted boolean value
JiBXException - if not a valid boolean value


public boolean attributeBoolean(java.lang.String ns,
                                java.lang.String name)
                         throws JiBXException
Get boolean value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute boolean value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid boolean value


public boolean attributeBoolean(java.lang.String ns,
                                java.lang.String name,
                                boolean dflt)
                         throws JiBXException
Get boolean value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute boolean value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid boolean


public boolean parseElementBoolean(java.lang.String ns,
                                   java.lang.String tag)
                            throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning boolean value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public boolean parseElementBoolean(java.lang.String ns,
                                   java.lang.String tag,
                                   boolean dflt)
                            throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning boolean value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if the element is not present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public float convertFloat(java.lang.String text)
                   throws JiBXException
Convert float value with exception wrapper. This internal method is used by all the float unmarshalling calls. It adds position information to any exceptions that occur.

text - text for value to be converted
converted float value
JiBXException - if not a valid float value


public float attributeFloat(java.lang.String ns,
                            java.lang.String name)
                     throws JiBXException
Get float value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute float value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid float value


public float attributeFloat(java.lang.String ns,
                            java.lang.String name,
                            float dflt)
                     throws JiBXException
Get float value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute float value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid float


public float parseElementFloat(java.lang.String ns,
                               java.lang.String tag)
                        throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning float value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public float parseElementFloat(java.lang.String ns,
                               java.lang.String tag,
                               float dflt)
                        throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning float value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if the element is not present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public double convertDouble(java.lang.String text)
                     throws JiBXException
Convert double value with exception wrapper. This internal method is used by all the double unmarshalling calls. It adds position information to any exceptions that occur.

text - text for value to be converted
converted double value
JiBXException - if not a valid double value


public double attributeDouble(java.lang.String ns,
                              java.lang.String name)
                       throws JiBXException
Get double value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute double value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid double value


public double attributeDouble(java.lang.String ns,
                              java.lang.String name,
                              double dflt)
                       throws JiBXException
Get double value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute double value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid double


public double parseElementDouble(java.lang.String ns,
                                 java.lang.String tag)
                          throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning double value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public double parseElementDouble(java.lang.String ns,
                                 java.lang.String tag,
                                 double dflt)
                          throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning double value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if the element is not present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public java.util.Date convertDate(java.lang.String text)
                           throws JiBXException
Convert java.util.Date value with exception wrapper. This internal method is used by all the Date unmarshalling calls. It adds position information to any exceptions that occur.

text - text for value to be converted
converted Date value
JiBXException - if not a valid Date value


public java.util.Date attributeDate(java.lang.String ns,
                                    java.lang.String name)
                             throws JiBXException
Get java.util.Date value of attribute from current start tag. Throws an exception if the attribute is not found in the start tag, or if it is not a valid integer value.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
attribute Date value
JiBXException - if attribute not present or not a valid Date value


public java.util.Date attributeDate(java.lang.String ns,
                                    java.lang.String name,
                                    java.util.Date dflt)
                             throws JiBXException
Get java.util.Date value of optional attribute from current start tag. If the attribute is not present the supplied default value is returned instead.

ns - namespace URI for expected attribute (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - attribute name expected
dflt - value to be returned if attribute is not present
attribute Date value
JiBXException - if attribute value is not a valid Date


public java.util.Date parseElementDate(java.lang.String ns,
                                       java.lang.String tag)
                                throws JiBXException
Parse past end of element, returning java.util.Date value of content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
converted value from element text
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public java.util.Date parseElementDate(java.lang.String ns,
                                       java.lang.String tag,
                                       java.util.Date dflt)
                                throws JiBXException
Parse entire element, returning java.util.Date value of optional content. Expects to find the element start tag, text content, and end tag, in that order, and returns with the parser positioned following the end tag. Returns the default value if the element is not present.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
dflt - default value
content text from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public void registerBackFill(java.lang.String id,
                             int index,
                             BackFillReference fill)
                      throws JiBXException
Register back fill item for undefined ID value. This adds a holder to the mapping table if not already present, then adds the back fill item to the holder.

id - target undefined ID value
index - target reference type index
fill - back fill item
JiBXException - if attribute not present, or ID already defined


public void registerBackFill(int index,
                             BackFillReference fill)
                      throws JiBXException
Register back fill item for last parsed ID value. This adds a holder to the mapping table if not already present, then adds the back fill item to the holder. This form of call always applies to the last IDREF value parsed (from either an element or an attribute).

index - target reference type index
fill - back fill item
JiBXException - if attribute not present, or ID already defined


public void defineID(java.lang.String id,
                     int index,
                     java.lang.Object obj)
              throws JiBXException
Define object for ID. Adds the owning object to a map with the ID value as key. Throws an exception if the object class does not match that expected from forward references, or if another object has previously been registered with the same ID.

id - text ID value
index - ID class index number
obj - object corresponding to element
JiBXException - if duplicate ID or wrong class


public void addUnmarshalling(java.lang.String mapname,
                             java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String name,
                             java.lang.String cname)
                      throws JiBXException
Define unmarshalling for element. Enables the unmarshalling definition linking an element name (including namespace) with a handler.

mapname - mapping name associated with unmarshaller
ns - namespace for element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - name for element
cname - unmarshaller class name
JiBXException - if unknown mapping name


public void removeUnmarshalling(java.lang.String mapname)
                         throws JiBXException
Undefine unmarshalling for element. Disables the unmarshalling definition for a particular mapping name.

mapname - mapping name associated with unmarshaller
JiBXException - if unknown mapping name


public IUnmarshaller getUnmarshaller(java.lang.String mapname)
                              throws JiBXException
Find the unmarshaller for a particular class in the current context.

Specified by:
getUnmarshaller in interface IUnmarshallingContext
mapname - unmarshaller mapping name (generally the class name to be handled, or abstract mapping type name)
unmarshalling handler for class
JiBXException - if unable to create unmarshaller


public IUnmarshaller getUnmarshaller(java.lang.String ns,
                                     java.lang.String name)
                              throws JiBXException
Find the unmarshaller for a particular element name (including namespace) in the current context.

ns - namespace for element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
name - name for element
unmarshalling handler for element, or null if none found
JiBXException - if unable to create unmarshaller


public java.lang.Object unmarshalOptionalElement()
                                          throws JiBXException
Unmarshal optional element. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parse to the next start or end tag.

unmarshalled object from element, or null if end tag rather than start tag seen
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.Object unmarshalElement(java.lang.Class clas)
                                  throws JiBXException
Unmarshal required element of specified type. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parse to the next start or end tag. The returned object will always be assignable to the specified type.

clas - expected class of unmarshalled object
unmarshalled object from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.Object unmarshalElement()
                                  throws JiBXException
Unmarshal required element. If not currently positioned at a start or end tag this first advances the parse to the next start or end tag.

Specified by:
unmarshalElement in interface IUnmarshallingContext
unmarshalled object from element
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public void parsePastElement(java.lang.String ns,
                             java.lang.String tag)
                      throws JiBXException
Parse past element, ignoring all content. This may be used while positioned either before or on the element start tag. It checks if currently positioned at the element start tag, and if so advances to the next parse event. Then looks for the next end tag, ignoring character data and skipping child elements. Leaves the parse positioned following the end tag.

ns - namespace URI for expected element (may be null or the empty string for the empty namespace)
tag - element name expected
JiBXException - on any error (possible wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String getElementName()
                                throws JiBXException
Returns current element name.

local name part of name, or null if not at a start or end tag
JiBXException - if error from parser


public java.lang.String getElementNamespace()
                                     throws JiBXException
Returns current element namespace URI.

namespace URI of name, or null if not at a start or end tag
JiBXException - if error from parser


public void throwStartTagException(java.lang.String msg)
                            throws JiBXException
Throw exception with start tag and position information.

msg - exception message text
JiBXException - always thrown


public void throwStartTagException(java.lang.String msg,
                                   java.lang.Exception ex)
                            throws JiBXException
Throw exception with start tag, position information, and nested exception.

msg - exception message text
ex - nested exception
JiBXException - always thrown


public void throwException(java.lang.String msg)
                    throws JiBXException
Throw exception with position information.

msg - exception message text
JiBXException - always thrown


public void throwException(java.lang.String msg,
                           java.lang.Exception ex)
                    throws JiBXException
Throw exception with position information and nested exception.

msg - exception message text
ex - nested exception
JiBXException - always thrown


public java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( ins,
                                          java.lang.String enc)
                                   throws JiBXException
Unmarshal document from stream to object. The effect of this is the same as if setDocument(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) were called, followed by unmarshalElement(java.lang.Class)

Specified by:
unmarshalDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
ins - stream supplying document data
enc - document input encoding, or null if to be determined by parser
unmarshalled object
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( rdr)
                                   throws JiBXException
Unmarshal document from reader to object. The effect of this is the same as if setDocument(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) were called, followed by unmarshalElement(java.lang.Class)

Specified by:
unmarshalDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
rdr - reader supplying document data
unmarshalled object
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( ins,
                                          java.lang.String name,
                                          java.lang.String enc)
                                   throws JiBXException
Unmarshal named document from stream to object. The effect of this is the same as if setDocument(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) were called, followed by unmarshalElement(java.lang.Class)

Specified by:
unmarshalDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
ins - stream supplying document data
name - document name
enc - document input encoding, or null if to be determined by parser
unmarshalled object
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public java.lang.Object unmarshalDocument( rdr,
                                          java.lang.String name)
                                   throws JiBXException
Unmarshal named document from reader to object. The effect of this is the same as if setDocument(, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean) were called, followed by unmarshalElement(java.lang.Class)

Specified by:
unmarshalDocument in interface IUnmarshallingContext
rdr - reader supplying document data
name - document name
unmarshalled object
JiBXException - if error creating parser


public IBindingFactory getFactory()
Return the binding factory used to create this unmarshaller.

binding factory


public java.lang.String getDocumentName()
Return the supplied document name.

Specified by:
getDocumentName in interface IUnmarshallingContext
supplied document name (null if none)


public java.lang.String getInputEncoding()
Return the input encoding, if known. This is only valid after parsing of a document has been started.

input encoding (null if unknown)


public void setUserContext(java.lang.Object obj)
Set a user context object. This context object is not used directly by JiBX, but can be accessed by all types of user extension methods. The context object is automatically cleared by the reset() method, so to make use of this you need to first call the appropriate version of the setDocument() method, then this method, and finally the unmarshalElement(java.lang.Class) method.

Specified by:
setUserContext in interface IUnmarshallingContext
obj - user context object, or null if clearing existing context object
See Also:


public java.lang.Object getUserContext()
Get the user context object.

Specified by:
getUserContext in interface IUnmarshallingContext
user context object, or null if no context object set
See Also:


public void pushObject(java.lang.Object obj)
Push created object to unmarshalling stack. This must be called before beginning the unmarshalling of the object. It is only called for objects with structure, not for those converted directly to and from text.

Specified by:
pushObject in interface IUnmarshallingContext
obj - object being unmarshalled


public void trackObject(java.lang.Object obj)
Set position tracking information for object, if supported.

obj - object being tracked


public void pushTrackedObject(java.lang.Object obj)
Push created object to unmarshalling stack with position tracking. If the object supports setting source location information, the location is also set by this method.

obj - object being unmarshalled


public void popObject()
               throws JiBXException
Pop unmarshalled object from stack.

Specified by:
popObject in interface IUnmarshallingContext
JiBXException - if no object on stack


public int getStackDepth()
Get current unmarshalling object stack depth. This allows tracking nested calls to unmarshal one object while in the process of unmarshalling another object. The bottom item on the stack is always the root object being unmarshalled.

Specified by:
getStackDepth in interface IUnmarshallingContext
number of objects in unmarshalling stack


public java.lang.Object getStackObject(int depth)
Get object from unmarshalling stack. This stack allows tracking nested calls to unmarshal one object while in the process of unmarshalling another object. The bottom item on the stack is always the root object being unmarshalled.

Specified by:
getStackObject in interface IUnmarshallingContext
depth - object depth in stack to be retrieved (must be in the range of zero to the current depth minus one).
object from unmarshalling stack


public java.lang.Object getStackTop()
Get top object on unmarshalling stack. This is safe to call even when no objects are on the stack.

Specified by:
getStackTop in interface IUnmarshallingContext
object from unmarshalling stack, or null if none


public int getActiveNamespaceCount()
Get count of active namespaces.

number of active namespaces in stack


public java.lang.String getActiveNamespaceUri(int index)
Get URI for an active namespace.

index - index number of namespace to be returned
URI for namespace at position
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if invalid index


public java.lang.String getActiveNamespacePrefix(int index)
Get prefix for an active namespace.

index - stack position of namespace to be returned
prefix for namespace at position
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if invalid index


public void skipElement()
                 throws JiBXException
Skip past current element.

JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public int next()
         throws JiBXException
Advance to next major parse event. This wraps the base parser call in order to catch and handle exceptions, and to preserve a reasonable level of parser independence.

event type for next major parse event (START_TAG, TEXT, END_TAG, or END_DOCUMENT)
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public int nextToken()
              throws JiBXException
Advance to next parse event. This wraps the base parser call in order to catch and handle exceptions, and to preserve a reasonable level of parser independence.

event type for next parse event
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public int currentEvent()
                 throws JiBXException
Get the current parse event type. This wraps the base parser call in order to catch and handle exceptions, and to preserve a reasonable level of parser independence.

event type for current parse event
JiBXException - on any error (possibly wrapping other exception)


public java.lang.String getName()
Get name associated with current parse event.

name text for name associated with event (START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT, or ENTITY_REF only)
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start or end tag (optional)


public java.lang.String getNamespace()
Get namespace associated with current parse event.

URI for namespace associated with event (START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT only), empty string if none
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start or end tag (optional)


public java.lang.String getPrefix()
Get namespace prefix associated with current parse event.

prefix for namespace associated with event (START_ELEMENT or END_ELEMENT only), null if none
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start or end tag (optional)


public int getAttributeCount()
Get number of attributes for current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

number of attributes, or -1 if not at START_ELEMENT
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start tag (optional)


public java.lang.String getAttributeName(int index)
Get attribute name for current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

index - index number of attribute to be returned
name of attribute at position
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start tag or invalid index


public java.lang.String getAttributeNamespace(int index)
Get attribute namespace for current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

index - index number of attribute to be returned
namespace URI of attribute at position, empty string if none
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start tag or invalid index


public java.lang.String getAttributePrefix(int index)
Get attribute namespace prefix for current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

index - index number of attribute to be returned
prefix for namespace of attribute at position, null if none
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start tag or invalid index


public java.lang.String getAttributeValue(int index)
Get attribute value for current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

index - index number of attribute to be returned
value of attribute at position
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if not at a start tag or invalid index


public int getNamespaceCount()
Get number of namespace declarations for current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

number of namespace declarations, or -1 if not at START_ELEMENT


public java.lang.String getNamespaceUri(int index)
Get namespace URI for namespace declaration on current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

index - index number of declaration to be returned
namespace URI for declaration at position
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if invalid index


public java.lang.String getNamespacePrefix(int index)
Get namespace prefix for namespace declaration on current START_ELEMENT event. The results are undefined if called when not at a START_ELEMENT event.

index - index number of declaration to be returned
namespace prefix for declaration at position,
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if invalid index


public java.lang.String getNamespaceUri(java.lang.String prefix)
Get namespace URI matching prefix.

prefix - namespace prefix to be matched (null for default namespace)
namespace URI for prefix


public java.lang.String getText()
Get text value for current event.

text value for event

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