Comparing XML documents using JiBX utilities

Compare two XML document with JiBX .

Here is a sample pom.xml:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


  <name>jibx-ota-test-compare-docs (Compare two documents)</name>





Note that the data.xml and data2.xml are the files being compared.

You can roundtrip an XML document through a JiBX class and compare it with the original document.

Here is a sample pom.xml:

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


  <name>jibx-ota-test-gen-compare (Roundtrip document and compare)</name>







This org.opentravel.ota.OTAAirLowFareSearchRQ is the class that the OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ2.xml will be marshalled to and unmarshalled before being compared with the original (OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ2.xml) document.

Note the use of the build-helper-maven-plugin to add the generated-test-sources directory to the source path.